Vegetable garden: the new season begins! | Km Zero Tours Slow Travel

Vegetable garden: the new season begins!

The vegetable garden is back! The new season has begun and the warm weather has officially arrived.
It’s time to plant the first summer vegetables in our garden!

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First of all, Alessio had to prepare the soil in order to air it and to take out the weed.  Afterward, the fun part begins! We’ve got everything this year: zucchini, eggplants, cherry and regular tomatoes, pepper, parsley, basil. Can’t wait that summer begins to eat all those delicious veggies.

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We usually buy the little plants at an organic nursery very close to us, and then we plant them by hand using fresh and fertilized topsoil. It’s important to put them at a regular distance and to water them every day to help their growth.
For some plants, we use to buy organic seeds. Fortunately, in Italy, there some shop where it is possible to buy  organic seeds.
We believe and support the great job of the environmental Indian activist Vandana Shiva.
Central ti Shiva’s work is the idea of seed freedom, or rejection of corporate patents on seeds
The vegetable life starts from the seeds, if the are manipulated we cannot talk about “nature”


We support the idea of eating what you grow and we love to share this experience with our guests, since we firmly believe that, as Caro Petrini says, “a great chef cannot exist without a farmer”. Are you ready to enjoy with us soon lots of delicious “farm to table” recipes prepared by Alessio, our treasured farmer/cook?

Choose to live one of our slow experiences to discover Tuscany.

Km Zero Tours®



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