A few days ago we read a news about a fraud in the extra virgin olive oil business. The investigators discovered that extra virgin olive oil actually coming from Spain and Greece arrived in Italy already bottled up and marked as “Made in Italy”.
News like this really sadden us, but at the same time they encourage us to go on in our project and work. Here in Tuscany many farmers are committed to producing high quality, first pressing extra virgin olive oil that is rich in polyphenols, a natural and health-protective antioxidant that is useful for our body. Through our “Km Zero Tours” project, we would like to protect and promote the real and authentic “Made in Italy” products, made with passion by the small ad local producers.
We’ve immediately understood and we keep on supporting the importance of transmitting and sharing the past knowledge and the authentic culture heritage of our region to guests from all over the world.
For this reason, we’ve designed the “Fall in (Love with) Tuscany” experience, aimed at giving our guests the unique opportunity to experience firsthand the time of the olive harvest, to see how the real extra virgin olive oil is produced, and to let them understand through interesting and thematic tastings the difference between an artisanal and high quality extra virgin olive oil from the industrial ones .
For those interested, we invite you to read a beautiful and inspiring article that you can find in our “Testimonials” section, written by the talented “The Life Harvest” about her family experience with us during the last olive harvest.
We would love to remind our guests and readers that: “there cannot be a good quality product without a good farmer, who love and respect the land”
Do not be fooled!
We’ll see you at the next olive harvest here in Chianti!
For more info about the “Fall in (Love with) Tuscany – Olive Harvest experience” click here .
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