“Farm to table” wild asparagus from our beautiful Chianti hills on our table today.
We’ve been searching for wild asparagus this morning in the nearby woods, so much fun! We’ve found so many of them and decided to make a delicious pasta for lunch, to die for.
Wild asparagus grows in Spring and they are very common in our region. Like almost all the natural plants, asparagus has therapeutic properties.
In fact, they are good for treatments of rheumatic diseases and urinary problems. Given their high potassium content, they are also useful for the heart and the nervous system. Wild asparagus is also low in calories and gives the right amount of vitamins and minerals to the body. The roots of the asparagus are used to give the benefit of the suffering heart, eliminating the water that accumulates in various tissues due to the weakness of the cardiac activity.
Being rich in fibers and in antioxidants, they also facilitate the digestion. They protect the skin from pollution and the sun’s rays, besides slowing down the aging process, counteract the effects of free radicals thus playing a preventive role against cancer. After the harvest, you can store it for up to one day out of the refrigerator and from 4 to 7 days in the refrigerator. The ideal would be to wrap them in a dampt cloth to further extend the storage of a few days.
If you’re not lucky enough to have wild asparagus in your nearby fields and woods, make sure you buy them fresh! If you want to be sure to buy fresh asparagus you should carefully observe their tops. Since usually when asparagus is fresh they have perfectly closed and compact tops.
Buon appetito!
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